Crowd behaviour and Public order policing


... is German for

1. 'galore'  and

2. 'being wise with masses' and crowds.

Its aim is to provide knowledge and understanding of crowd behaviour related to state of the art crowd and public order research.



"We know we are good but always seek to improve"

(police commander)

We coordinate and support peer reviewed evaluations of public order situations. I.e. we involve the intended users themselves so that everyone will gain.



Based on both scientific and counseling experience, we provide

consultancy on all psychological issues of public order policing involving operations as well as  issues of internal counseling. 

Get in touch.


A view from a different angle


Crowds fascinate, they draw attention and ever so often crowds make it to the news - for good or for bad reasons. Despite their multiple facets, crowds yet have a rather negative reputation as being impulsive and unpredictable if not dangerous. It may have been this controversy and apparent intangibility of crowds that encouraged and instigated crowd research, and likewise instigated the present work.